Command Line Interface

The command line interface allows the user to manage most aspects of the system without the GUI. This can be useful in a pinch when the GUI is not available or in the case that the user wants to automate some of the tasks.

The CLI has a help screen that shows the list of sub-commands that are available. Each sub-command allows the user to access different functionalities of the CLI.

$ floodwater --help
usage: floodwater [-h] [--version] {load,run,begin,resume,suspend,delete,write,status,server,gui,ping} ...

Floodwater Simulation System

positional arguments:
                        Sub-command help
    load                Load a suite to the server
    run                 Load and run a suite
    begin               Begin a suite which has been loaded
    resume              Resume a suspended suite
    suspend             Suspend a suite
    delete              Delete a suite from the server
    write               Write a suite definition to a file
    status              Get the status of a suite
    server              Start/Stop the ecFlow server
    gui                 Launch the ecFlow GUI
    ping                Ping the ecFlow server
    system-info         Get information about the system

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit

The help screen for each sub-command can be accessed by using the --help option after the sub-command.


The command line interface has a series of sub-commands which can be run. Each is described below.


$ floodwater load --help
usage: floodwater load [-h] [--write FILE] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] config

positional arguments:
  config        Name of Floodwater suite configuration file

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --write FILE  Write the definitions to a file
  --host HOST   ecFlow Server Host. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_HOST' if not provided
  --port PORT   ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided

The load sub-command loads a suite to the ecFlow server. The suite is loaded but not run. This can be useful to stage suites within the system, check that the configuration is what you expected, or during development to ensure that the suite is valid and the YAML configuration files were able to parse without error. If you wish to run the command after the suite is loaded, use the begin sub-command or interact with the suite in the GUI.


$ floodwater run --help
usage: floodwater run [-h] [--write FILE] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] config

positional arguments:
  config        Name of Floodwater suite configuration file

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --write FILE  Write the definitions to a file
  --host HOST   ecFlow Server Host. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_HOST' if not provided
  --port PORT   ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided

The run sub-command loads and runs a suite on the ecFlow server. This is the same as running the load sub-command followed by the begin sub-command.


$ floodwater begin --help
usage: floodwater begin [-h] [--write FILE] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] config

positional arguments:
  config        Name of Floodwater suite configuration file

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --write FILE  Write the definitions to a file
  --host HOST   ecFlow Server Host. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_HOST' if not provided
  --port PORT   ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided

The begin sub-command begins a suite which has been previously loaded to the ecFlow server. This is different than the resume command which resumes a suite which has been suspended. The begin command is used to start a suite for the first time.


$ floodwater resume --help
usage: floodwater resume [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] config

positional arguments:
  config       Name of Floodwater suite configuration file or suite name

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --host HOST  ecFlow Server Host. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_HOST' if not provided
  --port PORT  ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided

The resume sub-command resumes a suite which has been previously suspended. This is different than the begin command which starts a suite for the first time.


$ floodwater suspend --help
usage: floodwater suspend [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] config

positional arguments:
  config       Name of Floodwater suite configuration file or suite name

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --host HOST  ecFlow Server Host. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_HOST' if not provided
  --port PORT  ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided

The suspend sub-command suspends a suite which is currently running. This is different than the delete command which removes a suite from the ecFlow server. Suspend is usually a good first step before deleting a suite as it will let the suite spin-down. Deleting a suite will attempt to immediately remove it from the server which can cause zombie processes.


$ floodwater delete --help
usage: floodwater delete [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] config

positional arguments:
  config       Name of Floodwater suite configuration file or suite name

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --force      Force delete the simulation
  --host HOST  ecFlow Server Host. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_HOST' if not provided
  --port PORT  ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided

The delete sub-command deletes a suite from the ecFlow server. This is different than the suspend command which suspends a suite which is currently running. Suspend is usually a good first step before deleting a suite as it will let the suite spin-down. Deleting a suite will attempt to immediately remove it from the server which can cause zombie processes. If the suite currently has processes running, the suite will not be deleted. The --force option can be used to force the deletion of a suite which is currently running, but should be used with caution.


$ floodwater write --help
usage: floodwater write [-h] config filename

positional arguments:
  config      Name of Floodwater suite configuration file or suite name
  filename    Name of the ecflow definitions file to write

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

The write sub-command writes the ecFlow definitions for a suite to a file. This can be useful for debugging or for understanding how the suite is constructed.


$ floodwater status --help
usage: floodwater status [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--verbose] [suite]

positional arguments:
  suite        A suite configuration file or a suite name. 'all' for all suites on the current server

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --host HOST  ecFlow Server Host. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_HOST' if not provided
  --port PORT  ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided
  --verbose    Print the status of all tasks within a suite

The Floodwater status command allows a user to query the status of running suites from the terminal. The status command can be used to query the status of a single suite or all suites on the current server. The status command can also be used to query the status of all tasks within a suite.

An example output of the status command is shown below:

$ floodwater status
Suite: adcirc_gfs_hec_example: active
| Status | Progress | Task                                                                                                   |
| active |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/analysis_wait/retry/hecras_forecast_wait_analysis |

or, more verbosely:

$ floodwater status --verbose
Suite: adcirc_gfs_hec_example: queued
|  Status  | Progress | Task                                                                                                                              |
|  queued  |          | alerts/push_alerts                                                                                                                |
| complete |          | analysis/initialization/cycle_data_wait/data                                                                                      |
| complete |          | analysis/initialization/cycle_data_wait/retry/wait_next_cycle                                                                     |
| complete |          | analysis/initialization/cycle_initialization_analysis                                                                             |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/preprocessing/wait_meteorological_forcing/data                                                                    |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/preprocessing/wait_meteorological_forcing/retry/metget_wait_data                                                  |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/preprocessing/metget_get_forcing                                                                                  |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/simulation/adcirc_approximate_simulation_wallclock                                                                |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/simulation/adcirc_prep_simulation                                                                                 |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/simulation/adcirc_simulation                                                                                      |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/postprocessing/adcirc_generate_figures                                                                            |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/archive/apsviz_archive/adcirc_archive_data_apsviz                                                                 |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/archive/adcirc_archive_data_local                                                                                 |
|  queued  |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_initialization_message_preprocessing/rmq_send_message                             |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_running_message_preprocessing/rmq_send_message                                    |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_complete_message_preprocessing/rmq_send_message                                   |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_initialization_message_simulation/rmq_send_message                                |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_wait_message_simulation/rmq_send_message                                          |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_running_message_simulation/rmq_send_message                                       |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_complete_message_simulation/rmq_send_message                                      |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_initialization_message_postprocessing/rmq_send_message                            |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_running_message_postprocessing/rmq_send_message                                   |
| complete |          | analysis/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_complete_message_postprocessing/rmq_send_message                                  |
| complete |          | analysis/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_wind_forcing/wait_meteorological_forcing/data                                                   |
| complete |          | analysis/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_wind_forcing/wait_meteorological_forcing/retry/metget_wait_data                                 |
| complete |          | analysis/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_wind_forcing/metget_get_forcing                                                                 |
| complete |          | analysis/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_precipitation_forcing/wait_meteorological_forcing/data                                          |
| complete |          | analysis/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_precipitation_forcing/wait_meteorological_forcing/retry/metget_wait_data                        |
| complete |          | analysis/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_precipitation_forcing/metget_get_forcing                                                        |
|  queued  |          | analysis/HECRAS/preprocessing/generate_offshore_boundary/hecras_extract_offshore_boundary                                         |
| complete |          | analysis/HECRAS/preprocessing/generate_upstream_boundary/hecras_get_flow_boundary                                                 |
|  queued  |          | analysis/HECRAS/simulation/hecras_approximate_simulation_wallclock                                                                |
|  queued  |          | analysis/HECRAS/simulation/hecras_prep_simulation                                                                                 |
|  queued  |          | analysis/HECRAS/simulation/hecras_simulation                                                                                      |
|  queued  |          | analysis/HECRAS/postprocessing/hecras_generate_raster                                                                             |
|  queued  |          | analysis/HECRAS/archive/apsviz_archive/hecras_archive_data_apsviz                                                                 |
|  queued  |          | analysis/HECRAS/archive/hecras_archive_data_local                                                                                 |
|  queued  |          | analysis/HECRAS/apsviz_messaging/messaging/always                                                                                 |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/initialization/analysis_wait/data                                                                 |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/initialization/analysis_wait/retry/wait_analysis                                                  |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/initialization/cycle_initialization_forecast                                                      |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/preprocessing/wait_meteorological_forcing/data                                             |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/preprocessing/wait_meteorological_forcing/retry/metget_wait_data                           |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/preprocessing/metget_get_forcing                                                           |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/simulation/adcirc_approximate_simulation_wallclock                                         |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/simulation/adcirc_prep_simulation                                                          |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/simulation/adcirc_simulation                                                               |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/postprocessing/adcirc_generate_figures                                                     |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/archive/apsviz_archive/adcirc_archive_data_apsviz                                          |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/archive/adcirc_archive_data_local                                                          |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_initialization_message_preprocessing/rmq_send_message      |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_running_message_preprocessing/rmq_send_message             |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_complete_message_preprocessing/rmq_send_message            |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_initialization_message_simulation/rmq_send_message         |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_wait_message_simulation/rmq_send_message                   |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_running_message_simulation/rmq_send_message                |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_complete_message_simulation/rmq_send_message               |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_initialization_message_postprocessing/rmq_send_message     |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_running_message_postprocessing/rmq_send_message            |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_complete_message_postprocessing/rmq_send_message           |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/ADCIRC/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_run_properties_message_simulation/rmq_send_run_properties  |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_wind_forcing/wait_meteorological_forcing/data                            |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_wind_forcing/wait_meteorological_forcing/retry/metget_wait_data          |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_wind_forcing/metget_get_forcing                                          |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_precipitation_forcing/wait_meteorological_forcing/data                   |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_precipitation_forcing/wait_meteorological_forcing/retry/metget_wait_data |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/get_precipitation_forcing/metget_get_forcing                                 |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/generate_offshore_boundary/hecras_extract_offshore_boundary                  |
| complete |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/generate_upstream_boundary/hecras_get_flow_boundary                          |
|  queued  |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/analysis_wait/data                                                           |
|  queued  |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/preprocessing/analysis_wait/retry/hecras_forecast_wait_analysis                            |
|  queued  |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/simulation/hecras_approximate_simulation_wallclock                                         |
|  queued  |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/simulation/hecras_prep_simulation                                                          |
|  queued  |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/simulation/hecras_simulation                                                               |
|  queued  |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/postprocessing/hecras_generate_raster                                                      |
|  queued  |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/archive/apsviz_archive/hecras_archive_data_apsviz                                          |
|  queued  |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/archive/hecras_archive_data_local                                                          |
|  queued  |          | forecast_ensemble/forecast_base/HECRAS/apsviz_messaging/messaging/send_run_properties_message_simulation/rmq_send_run_properties  |

Simulation jobs which are currently running will show a percent complete in the progress column and jobs which have been deemed late will appear with a late status flag.


$ floodwater server --help
usage: floodwater server [-h] [--port PORT] [--verbose] {start,stop}
positional arguments:
  {start,stop}  Start or stop an ecFlow server instance

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --port PORT   ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided
  --verbose     Log all messages to file

The server sub-command allows a user to start or stop an ecFlow server instance. The server daemon must be running in order for the Floodwater system to be utilized. Also, when the server is stopped it will create a checkpoint file which will allow it to resume from the same state when it is restarted. This is useful for when the server is rebooted or undergoes maintenance of some kind.


$ floodwater gui --help
usage: floodwater gui [-h] [--verbose]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --verbose   Log all messages to the console. Otherwise, only errors are logged

The GUI command will allow the user to start the ecFlow GUI. While not strictly necessary, this is a nice shorthand way to start the GUI without having to remember the ecFlow command line options. Additionally, if there are issues starting the GUI, the --verbose option can be used to print all messages to a log file in the user’s home directory.


$ floodwater ping --help
usage: floodwater ping [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --host HOST  ecFlow Server Host. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_HOST' if not provided
  --port PORT  ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided

The ping command will attempt to connect to the ecFlow server and return the time it took to connect. This can be useful for debugging connection issues or for testing the connection to the server.


$ floodwater system-info --help
  usage: floodwater system-info [-h] [--pretty] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]

    -h, --help   show this help message and exit
    --pretty     Pretty print the output
    --host HOST  ecFlow Server Host. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_HOST' if not provided
    --port PORT  ecFlow Server Port. Determined from environment variable 'ECF_PORT' if not provided

The system-info command will return information about the current system. This can be useful for debugging issues and is useful to developers when filing bug reports. The output of the command is shown below:

$ floodwater system-info
  "floodwater_version": "48fcbc5",
  "system": {
    "platform": "Linux-5.15.0-88-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35",
    "architecture": [
    "machine": "x86_64",
    "processor": "x86_64"
  "python": {
    "python_version": "3.10.12",
    "python_build": [
      "Jun 23 2023 22:40:32"
    "python_compiler": "GCC 12.3.0",
    "conda": "23.7.3",
    "pip": "23.2.1"
  "job_scheduler": {
    "slurm": "22.05.2"
  "dependencies": {
    "ecflow": {
      "client": "5.11.3",
      "server": "5.11.3"
    "numpy": "1.24.4",
    "scipy": "1.11.2",
    "pandas": "2.1.0",
    "matplotlib": "3.7.2",
    "netCDF4": "1.6.4",
    "utide": "0.3.0",
    "boto3": "1.28.44",
    "pika": "1.3.1",
    "paramiko": "3.3.1",
    "colorama": "0.4.6",
    "numba": "0.57.1",
    "shapely": "2.0.1",
    "yaml": "6.0.1",
    "prettytable": "3.8.0",
    "tqdm": "4.66.1",
    "schema": "0.7.5",
    "requests": "2.31.0",
    "xarray": "2023.8.0",
    "psycopg2": "2.9.7 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)",
    "sqlalchemy": "2.0.20",
    "geopandas": "0.13.2",
    "pyproj": "3.5.0",
    "h5py": "3.9.0",
    "geocube": "0.4.2",
    "mpl_toolkits.basemap": "1.3.7"