Runtime Options

While suites are running, it is possible to change variables within the ecFlow GUI which impact how the suite is run. Some of these variables are listed below, but this is not an exhaustive list.

  • STORMNAME - The name of the storm that is being run and is transmitted to external services. This is located at the top level of the suite variables. By default, the value will be Unnamed if the YAML configuration file does not specify a value. This is reasonable when a yet-to-be-named storm is being run. However, the user should change this value to the name of the storm once it becomes named so it can be appropriately transmitted.

  • FORECAST_CATCHUP_MODE - Forecast catchup mode is a special mode that allows the user to skip forecast cycles if the simulations are behind. This can be due to cluster maintenance, unresolved errors, etc. In this mode, only the forecast tasks are skipped but the nowcast runs proceed as normal. This is a compromise to keep the system relatively simple since nowcast tasks are quick. This is located at the top level of the suite variables.

  • SILENCE - The SILENCE variable applies to push alerts. In the case that the user would like to silence the push alerts, there are two methods. First, the user can set the SILENCE variable to True in the GUI. Second, the user can set the SILENCE variable to 1 in the GUI (instead of 0) or the user can suspend the alerts task in the GUI. Suspending the task is the recommended method since it does not spawn needless processes.